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The Sixth Konko-Sama
At 3:43 in the morning of March 27, the Reverend Konko Hiromichi was escorted from his residence to the Central Mediation Hall. His first day as Kyoshu Konko-sama began when he walked through the pathway. During his 4 o’clock morning prayer at the Central Mediation Hall, he sincerely offered the tamagushi. After the morning prayer, the Reverend Iwasaki Michiyo, the Chief Administrative Director of Konkokyo, received Toritsugi Mediation. Our sixth Konko-sama announced, “After receiving requests from many people, I humbly accept the succession of this especially important task. As fellow members of Konkokyo, let us receive blessings, and let us work for the happiness and prosperity of the world. Thank you.” At 8:30 in the morning, all the ministers working at Konkokyo Headquarters gathered and listened to Rev. Iwasaki deliver his address. Rev. Iwasaki expressed his gratitude for the 30 years of dedicated service by the former Konko-sama. The fifth Konko-sama valued mediation, succeeding his father. Then, Rev. Iwasaki stated, “Following the fourth Konko-sama, the fifth Konko-sama practiced faith with a heart that appreciates everything. He prayed for world peace and salvation of all mankind. While praying for our organization, the fifth Konko-sama realized that we should communicate and form a stronger connection with Kami. Through his mediation, we were guided to the way of Kami and people. The fifth Konko-sama passed on this most important task to his successor.” Rev. Iwasaki observed the fifth Konko-sama’s determination by his bold decision to step down. Rev.Iwasaki advocated that we should actualize what the previous Konko-sama taught us. Rev. Iwasaki insisted that we should also have “determination” to practice faith. He described that the fifth Konko-sama’s determination came from Founder’s faith. He pointed out that our Founder’s Memoir clearly shows Kami’s “determination.” Rev. Iwasaki claimed, “If we think about the established relationship between our Founder and Kami, Founder would have accepted any requests from Kami. However, Kami gave him thorough instructions. According to Rev. Iwasaki, Kami was determined to save people. He concluded, “Kami’s determination opened a pathway, and the determination of the successive Konko-samas have kept this pathway alive. Therefore, with ‘determination,’ let us connect and make this connection stronger with Kami.”